
UDK: 624.074.4:624.042
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 61 (2009) 8
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Testing a prestressed concrete shell subjected to long-term loading and unloading

Jure Radnić, Domagoj Matešan


Results obtained by testing a cylindrical prestressed concrete shell subjected to long-term loading and unloading are presented. The shell is reinforced with steel fabric in the top and bottom zones, and features different reinforcement areas in two directions, as well as two straight prestressed longitudinal cables. It is attached at angles only, and lateral displacements are restrained. Shell displacements, and deformation of concrete in the zone of traditional reinforcement and cables, were measured at several points over one and a half year period following the initial prestressing and loading.

deformation of concrete embedding reinforcement and cable, prestressed concrete shell, long-term loading, unloading, displacements


Radnić, J., Matešan, D.: Testing a prestressed concrete shell subjected to long-term loading and unloading, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (2009) 8


Radnić, J., Matešan, D. (2009). Testing a prestressed concrete shell subjected to long-term loading and unloading, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (8)
Jure Radnic WEB
Jure Radnić
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Matesan WEB
Domagoj Matešan
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Arcitecture and Geodesy